Packers fans gathered at Blackfinn Ameripub on Saturday, Sep 10 to help kick off the 2016 season the day before the Packers-Jaguars season opener.
The event included a program with Packers President/CEO Mark Murphy and Packers alumni Nick Collins and LeRoy Butler, who socialized with fans and signed autographs. A roundtable discussion with’s Mike Spofford and Wes Hodkiewicz was also part of the event agenda. Attendees at the event also had opportunities to win autographed raffle prizes and receive Packers giveaways.
The event included a program with Packers President/CEO Mark Murphy and Packers alumni Nick Collins and LeRoy Butler, who socialized with fans and signed autographs. A roundtable discussion with’s Mike Spofford and Wes Hodkiewicz was also part of the event agenda. Attendees at the event also had opportunities to win autographed raffle prizes and receive Packers giveaways.